Dyne Bio l DNA 전기영동 관련제품 l Nucleic Acid Staining Solution
품번 A760
품명 Dyne RNA LoadingSTAR
규격 1 ml
제조사 Dyne Bio


 Dyne RNA LoadingSTAR replace toxic Ethidium Bromide (EtBr), a potent mutagen, for the visualization of RNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 

Dyne RNA LoadingSTAR contains red color tracking dye and a safe, non-carcinogen red fluorescent dye. 

Red dye is used for monitoring the agarose gel while it is running (approx 1 kb). During the gel electrophoresis, the agarose gel will reveal a red band. 

Thus, the gel can be directly visualized under UV light without any extra staining steps. 

In addition, RNA stained with the red fluorescent dye will emit a red light (595 nm) similar to Ethidium Bromide (EtBr).


1. Mix your samples with the Dyne RNA LoadingSTAR in a 1:5 ratio. For example, add 1μl of the Dyne RNA 

LoadingSTAR to 5 μl of RNA sample; or 2 μl of the Dyne RNA LoadingSTAR to 10 μl of RNA sample. 

2. Run the agarose gel and visualize it under LED or UV light when ready. Take a picture as needed commonly


● red dye, non-carcinogen red fluorescent dye



사업자등록번호: 135-81-33747 / 통신판매업신고 제 2007-1187 호 / 대표이사 : 이제현
본사/연구소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로45번길 14, B동 B205호 (상대원동, 우림라이온스밸리 2차)
생명과학 사업부 : 경기도 성남시 수정구 위례광장로 5, 314호 (창곡동, 위례우남역아이파크)
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